Hi There!
If you are here on the site, then you probably stumbled here due to a travel bug you have that may have led you to want travel to Punta Cana or perhaps you are more on the real estate side. Either way, I am glad you are here.
This is what you call the origin story - or the why I created this site...
My name is Pam, and I was born in NYC to immigrant Dominican parents. My mom and dad divorced when I was young and I grew up with a single mom, in the Bronx.
Growing up Dominican in the Bronx, I would say, was pretty easy. There are over 330K Dominicans living in the Bronx so even though we lived in the United States, it was more like I was in a US-Dominican town. 90% of my neighbors were Dominican, my classmates, the business owners around my house, etc. Most Dominicans in the Bronx and overall in the US I believe come here for what I like to call The Dominican Dream (which differs greatly from the American Dream). The way it differs is because many Dominicans come here with the idea that they will work hard, own businesses if needed (aka bodegas) and then sell everything and retire in the Dominican Republic. The dollar goes further there and most of them say they can't handle the cold weather.
When Sept 11th happened, my family decided it was time to go back and fulfill the part of the dream where they finally have enough saved up where they are able to go back. So we moved back to DR where I lived in Santo Domingo from the age of 10 through 14. These were some of the best years of my life - I LOVED living in the Dominican Republic. I had so many friends and life there was so different than it was in the Bronx.
Eventually, my family moved back to NYC because as many Dominicans find out when they move back to DR, the money they thought could last a long time really does not go too far when all the food preferences are imported goods. Also, the Dominican Republic was not the same that they left behind. Crime rates increased and things changed so much, so they felt more secure going back to the US.
After moving back to the US, what I consider to be 'my country' was still in my heart. As many people who grow up in the Bronx or in The Heights can tell you- there is a part of you that is tied to that beautiful island where the people are the happiest and the most joyful.
Fast Forward to Now...
I have a successful career where I lead a team at a large company and am truly living out my mom's dream for me. I love my job and currently live in Miami and travel to the Dominican Republic every so often. Given my ties and my emotional connection to country, in 2020 I decided to invest in a property in what I consider to be my country. As many first generation Dominicans in the United States, I want to be able to invest in my country, go back whenever I please to my own apartment - and I did it! To check out my apartment - here it is.
After my investment, I realized - there are probably many Dominican-Americans out there, just like me, who are in a more affluent financial situation (more than they parents were when they came to this country) where they can purchase a second home in Punta Cana and go to it whenever they please, as well as rent it out on Airbnb and such. I wanted to use the knowledge I've acquired from this process to help others in their journey. So this is my why!
